中金碳中和2060论坛|英国驻华使馆公使衔参赞石宇恒(Stephen Baron)发言纪要

    中金碳中和2060论坛|英国驻华使馆公使衔参赞石宇恒(Stephen Baron)发言纪要
     收录于话题 3月23-24日,中金公司在北京成功举办“碳中和2060”论坛。本次论坛邀请了国内外决策部门、产业界和学术界的资深专家学者,共话碳中和之路与市场机遇。
    英国驻华使馆公使衔参赞石宇恒(Stephen Baron)出席论坛并发表演讲。
    I am very happy to be here to reunite with so many like-minded friends to discuss the role of green finance today. I’m especially happy to be here as the UK looks forward to hosting COP26 later this year in Glasgow. Green finance will play a central role to the UK and China’s development over the coming decades as we both look to transform our economies to meet our carbon neutral ambitions.
    COP26 and climate commitments
    Obviously we are lucky enough to be meeting here in person today when many others are still unable to do so as the world starts to recover from the largest health crisis in a century. However, as we look to this recovery it is imperative that we keep climate change front and centre in our minds. Even with the partial closure of large swathes of the global economy in 2020, this has not resulted in the reversal of the effects of climate change. Which means we need to do more. Ensuring a green recovery whilst addressing climate change is a central priority for the UK. Indeed I’m very happy to say that is that both the UK China are leading the way in our ambitions to transform our economies.
    Prior to covid-19 the financing gap to meet Paris goals were around $7tn per year. Meeting this cost cannot be covered by public finances alone it will also require private sector collaboration.
    UK’s achievements and leadership
    The UK has been working to transform our financial system for a greener future and we intend to continue to play a central role in the realm of green finance on the global stage.
    Between 1990 and 2017, the UK reduced its emissions by over 40 per cent while growing the economy by more than two thirds, the best performance in the G7 on a per person basis.
    As the first major economy to legislate for net zero, the UK has led the way globally on tackling climate change.
    Financial disclosures are a key part of tackling climate change.
    “What gets measured gets managed”, said by Mark Carney at Green Horizon Summit last November, which articulates why the UK government is determined to move our economy to mandatory disclosure regime.
    We were one of the first countries worldwide to endorse, in 2017, the recommendations of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) – aimed at ensuring climate related risks and opportunities are priced into financial decision-making.
    Transitioning to a greener finance regime not only plays a role in helping to slow climate change but there is also a strong business rationale to transition to green. There is evidence that ESG investments outperform non-ESG targeted investment. There is also the need to address the key financial risks that climate change poses, not only from increasing extreme weather events, but also risks such as how carbon-intensive assets react to the green transition as Yi Gang articulated over the weekend and how we mitigate these risks. 70% of banks in the UK now consider climate change as a financial risk.
    UK TCFD mandatory policy update
    In our 2019 Green Finance Strategy we outlined how we would use the UK’s status as a global financial hub to drive the greening of the international financial system, and set an expectation that all UK listed issuers and large asset owners would be making disclosures in accordance with the TCFD’s recommendations by 2022.
    Since the Green Finance Strategy, many British companies are reporting at least partially in line with TCFD disclosure requirements.
    And earlier last year consultations published by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) proposing reporting requirements for premium-listed companies and certain occupational pension schemes. This is vital progress.
    More progress is being made in those sectors where regulatory action has already been taken.
    In particular, banks and insurers have already begun to take action in response to the Bank of England’s Supervisory Statement, issued by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) in April 2019.
    Given the urgency of the climate threat, a voluntary approach to climate related financial disclosure may not be sufficient.
    On 9th November, UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak made several significant green finance announcements, including:
    The UK will become the first country in the world to make Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) aligned disclosures fully mandatory across the economy by 2025, with a significant portion of mandatory requirement in place by 2023.
    To achieve this goal, the UK’s regulators Taskforce, let by HMT, published an interim report sets out an ambitious and proportionate pathway to meeting this commitment.
    The Chancellor also stated that the UK will issue its first ever sovereign green bond, and will implement a green taxonomy.
    According to Chancellor Sunak, the sovereign green bond will be used to help enable the UK meet its 2050 net zero target and other environmental objectives, by financing projects that will tackle climate change and infrastructure investments, and creating green jobs across the country.
    The green bond is expected to be followed up with a series of further issuances to meet growing investor demand for these instruments.
    The UK green taxonomy will be designed to provide a common framework for determining which activities can be defined as environmentally sustainable, aiming to improve understanding of the impact of firms’ activities and investments on the environment and support the transition to a sustainable economy.
    We are starting a new chapter in the history of financial services and renewing the UK’s position as the world’s pre-eminent financial centre.
    I hope that UK firms will lead the way by responding with credible and detailed disclosures. Over time, this will support more efficient markets and facilitate an orderly transition to net zero emissions.
    Working with China on Green Finance
    As mentioned, the UK cannot tackle a global problem on its own. That is precisely why we need to work hand in hand with countries like China.
    It is therefore fantastic to see that China, as the world's second largest economy, is rapidly raising its own ambitions for tackling climate change.
    President Xi’s announcement at the UN General Assembly that China would achieve an ambitious target of carbon neutrality before 2060 is completely game-changing.
    Achieving this will require a complete rethink of economic decision-making, including the fundamentals of how the financial system operates.
    At the 9th and 10th UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD) the UK and China recognised each other as their primary partner in green finance for capital raising, product innovation and thought leadership. We agreed a set of joint priorities which are now being supported by the UK PACT programme.
    At the 10th EFD, the UK-China Green Finance Centre, launched by the City of London Green Finance Initiative and the China Green Finance Committee in 2018, was formally recognised by both governments.
    This will build on the work of the UK-China Green Finance Taskforce, which launched in 2016 with the aim of increasing areas of collaboration on greening the Belt and Road Initiative, TCFD implementation, ESG investing, green asset securitisation, and green standards, as well as capacity building.
    We are very interested in working more closely together. Indeed, the UK PACT China Green Finance Programme, part of the UK’s £11.6 billion International Climate Finance commitment, has already supported eight green finance projects in China.
    The second phase of the projects were announced on 11th March this year, with another five promising projects working with China’s governments and institutions on ESG, Green Taxonomy, Green Bonds standards, Greening the belt and Road and capacity building on information disclosure. UK PACT also provides global green finance experts to carry out Skillshare capacity building programmes for both government and commercial partners, we would very much welcome engaging with you all on this offer.
    I hope that we can work together to turn the challenges posed by COVID-19 into opportunities for the future.
    The UK’s green finance expertise can be used to assist China in its green economic recovery. But it isn’t just a one way street the UK can also learn a lot from China in our own pursuit of carbon neutrality – and that includes all of you here today.
    I firmly believe that cooperation on this subject will be of great significance not only for our two countries but the whole world. We already showed the world through the G20 Green Finance Study Group – co-chaired by the UK and China – what we can do when we work together.
    However there is only so much that the UK and China can do together, it requires all nations to work together thus making COP26 in Glasgow all the more important in the context of global recovery.
    I thank you again for your participation and your interest in working with the UK on this subject.
    马克?卡尼(Mark Carney)在去年11月的绿色地平线(Green Horizon)峰会上表示:“得以衡量的就得到了管理。” 这阐明了为什么英国政府决心将我们的经济转向强制披露制度。
    11月9日,英国财政大臣Rishi Sunak发布了几项重要的绿色金融公告,包括:
    今年3月11日, PACT公布了第二阶段的项目,另有5个有前景的项目与中国政府和ESG、绿色分类法、绿色债券标准、绿色一带一路以及信息披露能力建设等领域的机构进行合作。英国PACT还提供全球绿色金融专家为政府和商业伙伴开展技能共享能力建设项目,我们欢迎与大家加入这项工作。

 文章标题:中金碳中和2060论坛|英国驻华使馆公使衔参赞石宇恒(Stephen Baron)发言纪要

内容摘要:中金碳中和2060论坛|英国驻华使馆公使衔参赞石宇恒(Stephen Baron)发言纪要收录于话题3月23-24日,中金公司在北京成功举 ...

