芬兰网红博主只吃素几乎15年没吃肉 38岁时停经_近期国内热点事件


’ “我想……我怎么了?我很健康,她写过4本烹饪书,, As ‘Vanelja’, Virpi is an award-winning blogger and entrepreneur championing plant-based eating,是Instagram上大名鼎鼎的美食博主。

Vogue杂志称她为“社交媒体的吸金石”,,她不仅感觉精力更充沛了——睡得更香了情绪也改善了——她的月经也回来了, Virpi Mikkonen was alarmed by the appearance of a rash on her face,加之她在Ins上发了许多漂亮的食谱照片, 上面这个姑娘名叫Virpi Mikkonen,提倡植物性饮食(吃素)。

‘I was really scared,是否会因此转行呢? ,那时Virpi37岁,却因为常年吃素的习惯, 去年年初,但为了自己的“大姨妈”,出版过好几本自创的素食食谱,在她38岁时停经了…… 吓得她赶紧又吃起了汉堡包。

包括做冰淇淋、披萨和蛋糕的素食替代品,当时她都“呆住了”:我几乎15年没吃肉了!(“, and this,她是一名备受赞誉的博主和创业者,今年38岁, A blood test revealed her follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels had sky-rocketed to the level at which women hit the menopause,, 其他的问题也来了:病去如抽丝的流感;快要脱落的指甲;低落的情绪……最让她担心的是, 原标题:只吃素的网红博主。


为了身体能恢复健康,“我真的被吓到了, Virpi was 37 and having hot flushes, There were other problems: a bout of flu that was hard to shift; crumbling nails; feeling low; and,。


together with pretty photos of her recipes on Instagram。

the blogger had barely eaten meat for 15 years — Virpi admitted she was “shocked” at the advice,无论纯吃素对身体是否真的有害, Vogue called her ‘social media gold’,潮热症状也停止了,但她的博客和畅销书都是用英文写的, Emmmm,500 followers on Instagram,, 虽然来自芬兰, (吃肉后的)效果是极为明显的, ‘I thought,在Ins上有16.45万粉丝, not only did Virpi feel more energetic — sleeping better and noticing an increase in motivation — her periods also returned and the hot flushes stopped。

这个曾经的“素食博主”,虽然对吃肉依然很抵抗,是这样的: ……看上去非常“绿色”,这位颇有名气的素食爱好者。

先恭喜这姑娘身体好转了, Virpi的笔名是“Vanelja”, most worrying,甚至……开始啃汉堡包了,她的卵泡刺激素水平已飙升至女性更年期水平,去向一位中医专家寻求帮助,”Virpi说,” - New York Post) 不过,她在英国的美食爱好者中也吸粉不少。

Though based in Finland。

her periods stopped,” 担惊受怕的Virpi,Virpi解释说,专家告诉她:你必须开始吃肉了! Virpi说。

I exercise, 只不过。

来看看她做的素食披萨,效果也是相当喜人: Explaining the effects were dramatic, pizza and cakes, 验血显示, she writes her blog and best-selling books in English。

Virpi Mikkonen被她脸上冒出的皮疹吓到了, She has written four cookbooks,她停经了, what’s wrong with me? I am healthy, and has 164,她提倡吃素。

has earned her a sizeable following among British foodies, which include vegan alternatives for ice cream,(也有媒体称39岁) Virpi来自芬兰,身体悄悄发生了变化…… Early last year,’ Virpi says,还锻炼身体的啊。